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The Hunger Games 3 |
Scary stuff. But it is clear where this is all headed. Rebels are our source of hope.
Lars and the Real Girl |
A strange flick, no really my cup of tea, but Gosling does well as do all the others. How would one cope with this type of behaviour? It would seem the Swedes of Minnesota would do well.
Quote: "What would jesus do?"
The Hunger Games 2 |
Well acted and it is easy to see why this franchise is so well-received. Enjoyable. Give the people bread and games. Somewhat like our modern media. Them and us - an enduring theme.
Punch-drunk Love |
Wierd and highly enjoyable. Adam Sandler and Emily Watson were terrific, so was Philip Seymour Hoffman. The music track was outstanding, it went so well with the film. .
Mo |
A dramatisation of the final years of Mo Molem, a Labour Party Minister who had a brain tumour but none-the-less managed to thrash out a solution for the problem of Northern Island for the creepy, now fantastically wealthy (due to huge "consultancy" payments from business) Prime Minister. Julie Waters has a magic touch in this production, for which she won a BAFTA. Mo was a grammar school pupil who did good and as an Atheist had a living will.
The Girl in the Café |
This production simply pulls my chain in so many ways, the two main actors - Bill Nighly and Kelly Macdonald, the subject, the locations (especially Iceland) and the whole way it collects and says what it says. (They even have Louisa Bojesen on the TV.) Recommended
Whiplash |
ZFF - A somewhat predictable movie. Powerfull story of a jazz drummer. The main parts are extremely well played. Recommended
Vonarstraeti |
ZFF - A very enjoyable film from Iceland about family situations. In-depth, rather like the Swedish films of a bygone time. Recommended
Loreck/Flowers |
ZFF - An excellent film from the Bask Country. Much as real cinema should be IMHO. There are two threads which do in fact come together. How individuals feel about flowers, given their situation. Recommended
Parcours D’Amour |
ZFF - An interesting flick about the older people's dance scene in Paris at La Memphis dance club. All rather sad. Not a complete film but a good try. More or less a documentary.
A Most Wanted Man |
A superb film with a commanding performance by the man who is sadly now gone. I had a feeling of being back reading books by Len Deighton. It was great to have it set in Hamburg and feature a couple of Germans such as Daniel Brühl and Herbert Grönemeyer. Recommended
The Guest |
A really quite violent flick about an escaped experiment. Somewhat OTT.
Mood Indigo |
Not at all what I was expecting. Starts off ok, but then I think they ran out of ideas. What was the writer smoking?
Before Sunrise |
Neurosis by any other name. Self-absorbed US style ego.
Boyhood |
A really good flick based on a simple idea. The richness of some of the scenes - showing, obviously, some of the technology and mores of the past - were enjoyable, as was the storyline and the acting.
Skylight |
Superb play by Davis Hare with great performances by Bill Nighy and Cary Mulligan. So relevant after its first showing 20 years ago. Recommended
The Two Faces of January |
Rather good plot - Highsmith - and very well acted. Thriller set in the 1920s in Athens and Crete.
All is lost |
A somewhat pointless story of a man in a boat which hits a container. Robert Redford all at sea.
Parenthood |
Soppy flick about a couple of families and how they deal with life. Some good one-liners from Steve Martin though.
Hanna |
Really enjoyed this strange flick about DNA manipulated child. The sound was sometimes quite annoying. Winslet was not convincing much in contrast to Eric Bana and especially Saoirse Ronan.
The Last Detail |
A lot of handheld camera work and rough sound in this flick about a couple of sailors taking a convicted man to the lockup. Seemed true-to-life for me and having checked sources. Nickolson, Otis Young and Randy Quaid all goo performances.
Tracks |
Visually impressive if a little short on thrill. Read the book many, many years ago so remember practically nothing. Not a very friendly environment. Diggerty was well presented, Labradors are such sops.
Mona Lisa |
Bob Hoskins in a rather good performance. The script is a bit dark, but he does it so well, and so does the lady.
The Grand Budapest Hotel |
Superb film, very Pythonesque, probably worth a second look. The stage backdrops and the houses and hotels are teriffic. Some pretty good players too. Swinton looks like Marge Simson.
Catch 22 |
Forgotten how many stars are in this flick. ENjoyable because it is so wierd it makes sense.
Secrets and Lies |
Opps, UK family life. Mike Leigh sure seems to delve into the heart of problems.
American Hustle |
Most entertaining, terrific acting. Reminds me of the quality of "The Sting".
Doubt |
Another great performance. Philip Seymour is so missed. Meryl is superb. A recurring theme, priests and nuns, though this is a more up-to-date take - abuse.
Philomena |
Despicable what religion did and does, it poisons everything. The book to read is "Betrayed Babies". 60'000 babies were forcibly adopted, many of them were taken to the US by people who made a "payment".
The Ides of March |
A somewhat dates series of TV programmes. I don't think people are acrually killed for politics.
House of Cards BBC |
A somewhat dated series of TV programmes. I don't think people are acrually killed for politics.
Bright Eyes 1934 |
A tribute to Shirley. We used to watch these old movies after lunch on a Sunday. So simple and innocent. My how things have changed.
The Master |
Dark and worrying. Masterful performances. Scientology on celluloid. Not enjoyable.
Quotes: "The will of one man, which is the basis of cult, is it not?" "We will never dominate our environment unless we attack!"
Lincoln |
Some wonderful performances. Read the most recent book last year. This was an epic President.
Quotes: "This is more than enough - for now."
I Robot |
Read the book a lifetime ago. This is a well-made movie with Wil doing a good job, if a bit overacted. And The Ovaltine Café - Great! (The English version of Ovomaltine - a Swiss beverage.)
Quotes: "Do you ever have a normal day? Yes, once, it was a Thursday."
False Witness |
Also known as "The Diplomat". Well put together TV movie. They spent a lot on travel methinks.
The Butler |
Stiring film and a good mash-up - well presented counterpoint of submission and revolt. Well acted by Forest, Oprey and cool David Banner.
The Wolf of Wall Street |
Well done racing film with some good dramatisation. Daniel and Chris do very well in terms of mimicing their respective character's body language. I don't remember much about the racing - there were so many afternoons spent watching, nor the book which I still have somewhere.
Rush |
Well done racing film with some good dramatisation. Daniel and Chriss do very well in terms of mimicing their respective character's body language. I don't remember much about the racing - there were so many afternoons spent watching, nor the book which I still have somewhere.
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom |
Sharpville and it all goes Boom! Interesting pictures from the past, not much drama until the unconditional release takes place. Peace isa good message, if only we humans could see the light.
Inequality for all |
Robert Reich has the ability to present complicated economic issues in a down-to-earth way. Brilliant. Much of this material has been shown elesewhere, but still a good summary which should be mandatory watching for everyone - well maybe no the 1%.
Blue Jasmine |
Kate is incredibly good and annoying - which is the point I suppose. Sally is great in her part as the sister. Love some of the views around SF. Peter Sarsgaard feels like a crook, maybe a leftover from from "An Education".
Quote: "I used to know the words. Now they're all of a jumble."
August: Osage County |
So many stars, where should one look?Such an evil mother - how does Meryl do it? A twisting family saga. Recommended
Leon the Professional |
A great little movie. Should be a cult movie. Great performances by Jean Reno and Natalie Portman.
Quote: "You gotta be careful with women Leon!" "This is from Matilda."
28 Days Later |
Not very well done flick about the UK after an epidemic caused by releasing chimps infected with a "rage" disease. Danny Boyle didn't think too much about this.
Shutter Island |
Very well done flick, set in a "correctional facility" for unusually violent criminals. Stellar performances, Ben Kingsley, Mark Ruffalo, Patricia Clarkson and especially Leonardo.
Quote: "I hear enough voices already."
Chasing Mavericks |
Surprisingly enjoyable given who is the lead. Seems to be based on a true story. Not much into surfing, but impressive photography, and dangerous too.
PQ17 |
The story of just one North Atlantic convoy. My father was on this route. German forces in Norway - and the weather in that location - dreadful to even contemplate. Then there was the Tirpitz! Shame about Clarkson though.
Quote: "Our's is not to reason why, our's is just to do or die." The Arctic Medal - "About bloody time."
Judge John Deed 6 Seasons |
Just good fun, so English.
Quote: "You know the saying: No smoke without fire." "Yes, and also: All gone, no dinner." "What are you looking for? A scout's badge for responsibility?"
Welcome to Woop Woop |
Second time around it is even funnier. Mad idea - and the "music". Haha. Not forgetting Dame Edna. An Aussie Opera.
Quote: "Thanks brother, I'll pay you back." "Rogersen." "Fuck me dead."
Truly Madly Deeply |
Didn't see this when it came out in 1990. A tragic story with a few, almost sane intervals. Joni Mitchell song too, and a Routemaster bus. Of course the whole Idea of life after death and spirits is absurd, nice though the thought may be.
Quote: "Say bum and Trotsky before lunch." "And death shall have no dominion."
Blue is the Warmest Colour "La vie d'Adèle" |
It is really tough to be in that situation, at least to begin with. Youth with complications, first (and therefore last real) love. I had this feeling of foreboding through most of this flick. Sadness unbound for year after year. Ja sais. Superbly acted by Adèle Exarchopoulos and Léa Seydoux. Mandatory. |