Some things I like

Where What Comments

One in five adults has or is at risk of having type 2 diabetes and Labour does not care

There are things that governments have in their ability to do, and yet they don't. This is one that the new UK lot could get to grips with, which would have serious +ve affects. But, this would require a turn-around and a re-think based on what it good for the general population. It won't happen, much as the "simple" idea of taxing the rich, corporations and the finance industry at the same level as it does the general, working population. Beyond belief.
Hartmann Report

TRUMP LOST. Vote Suppression Won.

As if the Electoral Colledge and Garrymandering wasn't enough, the GOP also suppressed millions of votes. And some people still say the US is a democracy. For those that think the "Spirit of the South - slavery" is done, try again.

Jon Stewart & AOC Take On Trump’s Comeback and Rebuilding the Democratic Party

There has been no opposition for far too many years. There is no narrative which the general population can get to grips with. It should be about how capitalism and globalisation has taken away so much and replaced it with nothing. It should be about doing politics for the general population. Bill Nighy has it right here. Oh and brings me to the almost total lack of human and planet rights - in the face of global warming caused mostly by oil and gas and the greed of rick people and corporations. It is long overdue that we return to taking both of these groups the way we did post WWII - e.g. 95%.
The point about insider trading in Congress is not just one aspect of the way capitalism has corrupted out system, it shows the direct, individual corruption of politicions.

Bettina Arndt 'Why sex matters so much to men' at Happiness & Its Causes 2011

Yep, I too feel a deep, deep sadness and rejection. It's in-built in my physical and mental state.

Alex Garland - “Civil War” | The Daily Show

The 4th estate has been compromised with lies, misrepresentations and we are now back in the 1930s with "Lugenpresse" c/o trump and his men. Partly autobiographical.

Are we living in the 'Don't Look Up' universe?

Nuff said....
The Guardian

Los Angeles is on fire and big oil are the arsonists.

It is staring us in the face, and yet we seem to be stuck. The profitmakers are still in control. Human greed on a murderous scale.
Quote: "Fossil fuel misinformation obscures and diminishes certain truths. Fossil fuels are not needed as part of this transition because there is enough renewable energy potential in every region of the world to deliver reliable, affordable energy security for all. Half of fossil fuels are wasted due to the industry’s inefficient production and transportation processes. One in eight deaths each year is due to fossil fuel air pollution."

Joseph E. Stiglitz: The Role of Government in the Modern Economy

A good summary of the stück we are in.

The dirty secret of capitalism -- and a new way forward

5 years old, but trashes neoliberalism - by a billionnaire. A more recent paper continues in the same vein.And there's a BBC interview of him with a few key questions too. Out of this is seems beyond obvious that using GDP as a measure of our economic system (we have known this since "Limits to Growth") is absurd. Then Gary, the trader has this to say about the state of the UK regarding inequality.

“Why is this legal?”: George Monbiot reveals the environmental impact of intensive farming

Another critical message from George Monbiot. From so many scientific papers come solutions, especially of soil biology. So many issues, some of which might just change in a very serious way. And just one example of how current day farming is screwing up our environment. (Not necessarily the farmers, but the retail system backed by the financialisation of almost all aspects of our lives.)

A Masterclass On The Mess We're In w/. George Monbiot

Ah, we have allowed the right-wing to take over so much through the Neoliberal idea. The book is well worth a read, covers most of the aspects of our lives which have been taken down by neoliberalism. Invisible Doctrine: The Secret History of Neoliberalism - George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison.


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