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Films have been a large part of my life since I had to leave the movie theater in Exmouth after becoming too upset to continue to watch the horror in "A Night to Remember" - a British film about the Titanic disaster. The following links detail some of the flicks I have seen in the last few years, with Miloš ratings. (BTW the term "Flicks" comes from the original Arc lights which, because of their construction included oxygen impurities, which mean't they flickered, and also hissed. This was corrected by an English engineer - Hertha Marks Ayrton, the first woman to be admitted to the Institution of Electrical Engineers.) Enjoy... Why a 5 star system? (Well in this case Miloshes) The only rating system that makes any sense is the Little Man of the San Franciscio Chronicle, who is seen (1) jumping out of his seat and applauding wildly; (2) sitting up happily and applauding; (3) sitting attentively; (4) asleep in his seat; or (5) gone from his seat. I asked Chronicle film critic Mick LaSalle to read the mind of the Little Man, which he does at the end of this entry. Thanks for this from The Roger Ebert website He was the film critic of the Chicago Times for many years. His life was reflected upon in the film "Life Itself" a reference to the only thing he loved more than movies.
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